Friday, September 18, 2020

I Promise to Stop Soon

 I know all I'm talking about lately is my retirement.  It's like I think I invented the concept!  But I have been pretty excited about just working a few days a month and having more free time.  Probably when the weather turns cold and unpleasant I'll be less excited about sitting around and reading in front of my fake fireplace.  Or maybe not.  But for today I'm still blabbing on about it.

Here are photos my lovely sister Jill took from the crazy balloon and honking festival she organized.  Of course she didn't get to be in any photos.  Because she was doing all the work AND taking the photos.  

I was so surprised I ran out into the street barefoot and without a mask!

Susan and I demonstrating the proper corona hug...still forgot I didn't have on a mask.

Ron rescued me, giving me a balloon AND a mask.  Whew!  Here are some fun photos of my friends who showed up!

Thanks everyone!  And now I'll stop talking about it for a while!!


  1. Fun! Keep talking about retirement all you want!

  2. Keep talking about it! Especially since I'm getting so much credit for sending an email and just showing up (seriously, if you don't get that it's all about me,do you REALLY know me?)! Plus, it's fun hearing about it!


The Touristy Part of the Trip

After the farm my next destination was The Black Sheep Inn in Chugchilan    The view was spectacular but in order to get to my room I had to...