Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Tough Decisions

Yesterday while driving to my last patient's home, I heard the news on the radio of the first COVID-19 fatality in Illinois.  A woman in her 60s with an underlying health condition died in a Chicago hospital.

I'm in my 60s.

I have an underlying health condition.

I finally woke up and called human resources where I work to find out what would be required for me to take a leave of absence.  It's actually pretty simple.

Before that I reached out to my physicians.  Afterwards I reached out to my pastor.

I am really struggling with what to do here.  I don't like to admit that I might be vulnerable, more vulnerable than the average bear.  I don't like to drop the ball at work.  I also don't want to end up in ICU or a pine box soon.

This is not an easy decision.  For the next few days I will continue working in home health care.  We are much needed right now to get people who can be home out of the hospital, to clear beds for the wave of patients with the virus that we hope will never come.  Until there is a local case I think I will keep working.  Once it gets a little closer, I will probably opt to stay home.

Work is the only place I am going right now.  And that's what I'm going to do today.  Tomorrow is another matter.


  1. Oh, honey. Feeling for you and with you. Yesterday, in the sunshine, I walked the labyrinth, alone. You were in my heart.

  2. Kim you are not alone in this. You have the right heart and drive to make the choices
    you have to make. You are loved by many!

  3. We all have more questions than answers. What is your providers policy on PPE? If not just to protect yourself, but you are going from home to home.

    In my practice we have to assume standard precaution with every pt we come in contact with.

    1. Same here. We are always meticulous about our hand hygiene and “bag policy” and for now not using extra PPE unless patients are sick. I’m working today but there is a case in McLean County now Still haven’t decided about next week


The Touristy Part of the Trip

After the farm my next destination was The Black Sheep Inn in Chugchilan    The view was spectacular but in order to get to my room I had to...