After the farm my next destination was The Black Sheep Inn in Chugchilan The view was spectacular but in order to get to my room I had to walk uphill 220 steps at 11,000 feet altitude — about 4 times each day.
So I earned this view—just saying!
The Inn is a beautiful little place with delicious vegetarian fare, composting toilets, wood burning stoves and an eye to preserve the natural beauty of the area About a half hour drive away we hiked a little near Lake Quilotoa, a spectacular lake in a crater
The other guests at the Inn were fun to talk to as well. A couple of young folks who were hiking the Quilotoa Trail and a British fellow who was drawing and painting his way through Ecuador. We very much enjoyed his work!
After a few days there I headed to Baños de Agua Santa where I lived in 1995-1997. It’s changed in many ways but some things remain the same. The church is still a very powerful center of the spirituality of this area. A few of the restaurants are the same. Sunday is still market day at The Plaza 5 de Junio. It’s still a great place to relax and recharge
I head out tomorrow and will hopefully be home Tuesday. It’s been a great, blissful trip but I’m also ready to be home