Wednesday, January 15, 2025

La Finca

Day one in Quito we did some food shopping for our week at the farm, then had lunch out at Los Cebiches de Rumiñahui.  I had fish and shrimp ceviche which was excellent!  After that we packed up the truck and headed to the farm (la finca.)

On the way we drove through fog and rain. Once here the clouds settled in and made for a quiet, peaceful scene

I did not sleep well thanks to some over-achieving roosters in the area   They started at 2 am and well…12 hours later they are still making their presence known   I’m sure they will be “background noise” for me in a day or 2  

There was a light rain this morning so we hung out on the porch after a delicious breakfast and watched birds!   So many birds!  I will not bore my non-bird-watching friends but I’ll list what I saw at the end of the post for my fellow bird-nerds

Once the rain let up my friend and I headed out with machete, trimmers, and a small saw to clear a trail that was overgrown in the lush cloud forest where the farm is located   It was fun, hot, sweaty, muddy work   Tomorrow we will finish cleaning up the bottom half of the trail

Birds today:  lemon-rumped (aka flame-rumped) tanager, blue-grey tanager, white-shouldered tanager, Ecuadorian thrush, flycatcher (too far away to definitely ID), variable seedeater, rufous collared sparrow and turkey vultures

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The Touristy Part of the Trip

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