Sunday, January 19, 2025

Tropical Bird Bingo

I have seen 25 new birds (for me) on this trip!   I think I should make bingo cards and make sets for all my bird nerd friends.  If only I were that crafty

Today my friend took me to the Amagusa Preserve about a 30 minute drive from the farm.  It was amazing!!  I have learned that this region called The Choco includes the Andean forests from the Pacific coast up to 2200 meters elevation— cloud forests.  It is a hotspot of biodiversity for plants, birds, amphibians and more. Here is a link to read more about this preserve and the Choco region.

In addition to the birds I saw there, we saw a coati who decided to visit the bird feeders and help himself to a banana!

On the drive home we encountered a non-native species:

We are wise women so we gave them the right-of-way!

Birds today at Amagusa:

Glistening green tanager, rose breasted parrot, red barbet, flame faced tanager, golden collared honeycreeper, golden tanager, black chinned mountain tanager, golden naped tanager, and moss backed tanager…BINGO!!

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