Thursday, February 3, 2022

The Word(le) is SNOWY

Just a few days ago I complained we don't get enough snow to go cross country skiing here in Central Illinois very often.  Mother Nature was apparently listening.  I should have mentioned I don't have my skis any more so.  

I've definitely been caught up in the Wordle craze sweeping Facebook.  I'm not sure which I enjoy the most:  playing and sharing my results, reading other people's results, or all the fun comments.  It's been a free, fun diversion during some wintry weather, and with no advertisements!  My best score was a 2/6 which does not show any skill at all just some quirky luck!

And now my diversion is shoveling snow.

I worked on the sidewalk and driveway (around the vehicles which are parked there) yesterday, twice.  And again, this morning my kid and I worked on the bottom of the driveway and into the street when the snowplow gifted us with a couple extra feet of snow!   I took a broom to the snow on the van, then defrosted and scraped the windshield.  And then we ventured out to the local grocery store, where the shelves weren't completely empty, but it seemed pretty clear that the delivery truck was probably either still in Chicago or in a ditch somewhere (I hope it's the former.)  We had made a shopping trip earlier this week before the snow, but somehow underestimated the amount of food we needed to fuel all the shoveling.  So now we are stocked up again at least for a few days.

Then I shoveled a huge drift on the back of the house so that I could 1 - expose the dryer vent and do some laundry, and 2 - avoid a big mess in the lower level of my home once the snow starts to melt.

It's good I enjoy shoveling snow.  I like the feeling of a good workout and being able to see the results of my work.  It's best if the temperatures aren't hideously cold, the snow isn't too wet and heavy, and the wind isn't howling.  Today's shoveling conditions were about a 7 on a scale from 1 to 10.  And my Wordle score today was 4/6.  Not too bad, not bad at all!

The Touristy Part of the Trip

After the farm my next destination was The Black Sheep Inn in Chugchilan    The view was spectacular but in order to get to my room I had to...